Our Community
Helps us all enjoy the wonderful surroundings

Our Communities' Preferences established so that families can enjoy the wonderful Kingswood surroundings.

Kingswood residents, their families and visitors can contribute to our sense of wellbeing in many ways, including:

  • Making it safer for Kingswood families and visitors to enjoy our Kingswood Estate roads, the speed limit across all Estate roads has been set at  20 mph. Please abide by this limit for the safety of everyone who utilises our estate roads.
  • Verge and Kerb Maintenance: Almost all the roads on the Estate and most of the verges are owned by Kingswood Heritage, where not Council adopted or otherwise owned (per transfers from Costain Limited), but maintaining the verge and kerb edging is much appreciated by your neighbours, as it enhances the appearance of the Estate.
  • Maintenance :  Leaves, branches etc : Collecting fallen debris in a timely fashion helps keep gullies and drains clear for water to run off the roads and helps reduce flooding for those on lower ground.
  • Recycling and waste management:  Reigate and Banstead Borough Council run an excellent garden-waste recycling scheme which is preferable to bonfires. Lighting bonfires often causes a nuisance to neighbours.
  • Pets and Pet fouling: Please ensure that Kingswood’s dog-owners are considerate in removing dog-fouling from roads and verges.
  • Safety and Security are of paramount importance on the Kingswood Estate and residents should always remain vigilant. Any suspicious activity should be firstly reported to the police. In addition, residents could contact Warren Resident Security CIC who works in partnership with Knight Security Group, keeping our community safe. A road association’s Neighbourhood Watch representative should also be able to assist in such circumstances.
  • The residents who look after and contribute to the efficient running of the Estate are all volunteers and live in the community. If you are keen to get involved in volunteering in the community then please make yourself known and we will put you in touch with the right people. Your participation would be very much appreciated and it is a good way to meet neighbours and make new friends.